Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Eliana Pauca and socially-responsible tourism

Eliana Pauca is the founder of All Ways Travel, Titicaca, Peru, a travel agency in Puno, Peru dedicated to socially-responsible tourism.  From her initial experiences as tour guide back in the early 1990s, Eliana saw the need to include Lake Titicaca native communities directly in the revenue earned by local tourism agencies to develop a sustainable local tourism industry. She realized that without participation of local communities in the revenue, tourism is not sustainable in the long run as native communities seek for alternative ways to make a living.

Eliana has dedicated a great deal of her time and resources to the Literacy in Lake Titicaca Project. It is through her innovative business ideas that Victor's dream of improved literacy and leadership in Lake Titicaca can be realized.


  1. Good work. The natives of Lake Titicaca should be the first to benefit from the tourism in the area. They are also the best people to know how to protect and maintain the place so it is just a good decision to get their services.

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